summer family gatherings
Summer Family Gatherings offer an opportunity for families to come together in the evening for a light meal, prayer, games and activities for all ages. This takes place several times over the summer months so we can continue to connect as a faith community. The community will receive an invitation to these events. This activity replaces the Bible Land Adventure/Vacation Bible School we have done in past years.
family resources
Building Faith @ Home is a newsletter produced by the Office of Catechesis at the Diocese for the up coming weekend readings at Mass. It is for all ages and stages of family life. There is something for everyone as we all continue to learn and grow our relationship with God.
Vibrant Faith offers hundreds of activities for families with children, families with teens, young adults, adults and couples, and activities just for kids. The activities are short (usually only 5-10 minutes). They are in PDF files with a simple formatting to make it easy to use and download. There are hundreds of activities for these groups in the following categories: Bible Stories, Caring Conversations, Learning about Faith, Prayer, Rituals & Tradition, and Serving Others.